California Table Grape Grower First To Receive Sustainable Certification

Columbine Vineyards, producer of the popular ‘Holiday’ table grapes in California’s San Joaquin Valley, has become the first sustainably grown certified table grapes producer in the U.S. The new certification represents the significant impacts Columbine Vineyards has made over the past few years, including water conservation, 843 million gallons of saved, a 54% reduction in Styrofoam, and carbon sequestration to the tune of 5,200 metric tons, the equivalent to 1140 cars off the roads annually.


The official certification comes through SCS Global, a pioneer and leader in the field of sustainability standards and third-party certification. The SCS Sustainably Grown certification program is one of the world’s most strict, with standards and initiatives that provide a framework for environmental stewardship and social responsibility. As a result of certification, all of Columbine’s grape brands, including ‘Holiday’ grapes, will now carry the SCS Kingfisher Sustainably Grown certification mark.

“I have been working in sustainable agriculture for a long time now, and it is rare to see the level of dedication that the Columbine Vineyards team brought to their recent Sustainably Grown audit,” Kevin Warner, Manager of Sustainable Agriculture at SCS Global, says. “They committed 10 solid months to audit preparation and integrated the best practices of sustainability into every facet of their operation. What gets me really excited is the impact they are having in terms of environmental protection and the fair treatment of farmworkers.”

Columbine Vineyard’s new Sustainably Grown certification focuses on three areas of responsibility, the proverbial three-legged stool of sustainability:

  • Environmental Stewardship – An emphasis on water conservation, including a comprehensive approach to irrigation management, maximizing water efficiency with the latest technology and impeccable ground level implementation. Columbine also focuses on soil health using an innovative soil-fortifying initiative to introduce diversified bacteria and fungi on the microbiological level to revive dead soil.
  • Social ResponsibilityGrowing safe, quality food while promoting farmer welfare and giving employees access to health resources ensures a safe, hygienic working environment. Also included is a COVID-19 vaccine accessibility program.
  • Economic StabilityColumbine Vineyards continues to explore how the community interacts with the business, and how the business interacts with the community in order to support future generations of farmers.

“This new certification brings commitment and accountability to Columbine Vineyard’s existing growing practices,” Vincent Sorena, Vice President of Compliance at Columbine Vineyards says. “When shoppers see the new Sustainably Grown certification mark on our ‘Holiday’ grapes this season, they can be confident they are choosing a brand that prioritizes environmental, social, and economic sustainability.”

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