More Tools Available for Organic Growers

The USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program has created an Organic Production topic room which hosts a wide range of free materials developed by SARE, SARE grant recipients, and experts in the field. Organic Production includes information on:

  • Pest Management: Use pest life cycles and biological factors to influence pest growth and management.
  • Whole Systems: Manage your organic operation as an integrated, whole system.
  • Seeds: Grow and save your own organic seeds.
  • Fertility Management: Optimize fertility using cover crops, manure, crop rotation, and organic fertilizers.
  • Certification: Understand USDA certification, agencies, regulations, and cost.

This new resource offers both transitioning and experienced organic producers valuable insights into using organic production to improve profitability while meeting a wide range of conservation and productivity goals.

Note: Organic Production includes some resources containing practices and suggestions that may not align with USDA organic certification requirements. Users should read carefully and always check with their organic certification agency before adopting new practices or using new materials.