Federal Quarantine Order Issued For Citrus Black Spot

According to Mike Sparks, executive VP/CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual, a quarantine has been established for areas within an eight-mile radius of any citrus black spot (CBS) find. The two-tiered plan establishes quarantine areas (one mile from detection) and regulated areas (an additional seven miles outside of the quarantine area).

Other details from the order include:

  • Fresh fruit shipments must meet certain conditions including packinghouse inspections and compliance agreements, disinfecting process protocols and transport in tarped vehicles. 
  • Fruit from within the quarantine areas is only eligible for movement to non-commercial citrus producing states east of the Mississippi River.
  • Fruit from a regulated area is eligible for movement to states other than commercial citrus producing states.
  • Fresh fruit outside the quarantine and regulated areas may be shipped with no restrictions.

Click here to see the entire federal order from USDA-APHIS.

 Source: Florida Citrus Mutual