Durivo Insecticide Receives Approval on New Soil Application Methods

EPA has approved additional soil application methods for Syngenta Crop Protection’s Durivo (chlorantraniliprole, thiamethoxam) insecticide. In addition to application through drip (trickle) chemigation, Durivo can now also be applied during planting or transplanting as an in-furrow spray, transplant hole drench, or narrow surface band above the seedline. It also can be applied after planting as a post-seeding, post-transplanting, or hill drench; or root zone and shank application.

The product is registered for use in vegetable crops, including leafy and fruiting vegetables, brassicas, and cucurbits. State registrations or specific crop and/or pest uses may still be pending in certain other states.

Durivo is a systemic insecticide that employs two modes of action to protect vegetables from chewing and sucking insects as well as lepidopteran pests. When it is applied to the soil, Durivo is readily taken up by the roots of germinating seedlings or transplants and is rapidly translocated throughout the plant via the xylem to protect plants from the inside.

“The additional soil application methods allow growers to apply Durivo using a method that is most convenient for them,” said John Koenig, Syngenta insecticide brand manager. Koenig further explained: “The convenience of an all-in-one soil application and the breadth of its spectrum of control make Durivo a valuable tool for protecting early-season growth, and provides the ‘jump start’ that vegetable crops need to help ensure optimal yield, as well as the quality that today’s consumers demand.”