Durivo Insecticide Receives California Label Approval

Durivo insecticide is now registered for use in California by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. From Syngenta Crop Protection, Durivo(chlorantraniliprole and thiamethoxam) can be used in a variety of vegetable crops, including leafy and fruiting vegetables, brassicas, and cucurbits. State registrations or specific crop and/or pest uses may still be pending in certain other states. Please check with your state regulatory agency to determine registration status.

Durivo is a systemic insecticide that employs two modes of action to protect vegetables from chewing and sucking insects as well as lepidopteran pests. When Durivo is applied through drip (trickle) chemigation, it is taken up by the roots of germinating seedlings or transplants and is translocated throughout the plant via the xylem to protect plants from the inside.