U.S. Supreme Court Refuses To Review Pesticide Case

The following is a statement by Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, regarding Supreme Court’s refusal to review the case National Cotton Council v. EPA.

“Farmers’ abilities to protect our food supply from pests took a big hit today because the United States Supreme Court refused to review an important case," he said. "The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals misfired in its ruling in the case National Cotton Council v. EPA. The Supreme Court compounded that mistake by not reviewing the case.

“All farmers know they must use chemicals properly," he continued. "They also know the label on each chemical they use is the law of the land. Going through redundant bureaucratic red tape for a duplicate permit to apply a safe product is preposterous. That kind of regulatory overkill will not improve food safety or the environment.”

For more information, go to www.cotton.org.