Helping Bees Thrive During Almond Bloom

Almond bloom timing has been close to normal this year in southern California, according to David Doll, Merced County Cooperative Extension pomology farm advisor, but about one to three weeks ahead up north.

Franz Niederholzer, farm advisor for Sutter, Yuba, and Colusa counties, says temperatures of about 55° F with winds 15 mph or less are ideal for bee flight.

“The more bee hours in the orchard, the better,” he notes. “If conditions are hazardous for bees, they won’t be out flying; if it is cold, they will stay home warming the hives and protecting themselves and the brood. The weather has to be warmish and fairly still, and we usually get many of those days. It’s remarkable how much pollination can take place in very little time when the weather is good.”

While we can’t control the weather, the Almond Board of California shares some tips for growers to ensure the best pollination outcome possible:

  • Don’t spray fungicides if you don’t have to. While wet weather can increase the risk of fungal diseases, Niederholzer says no spraying is best for bees. If you have to spray to protect blooms, be sure to spray only in the late afternoon or evening, after bees have removed the current day’s pollen.
  • Consider newer fungicide chemistries. According to the Almond Board, growers now have access to chemistries that offer flexible timing, because “they are locally systemic and provide reach-back activity against a recent infection.” These new chemistries can provide disease protection when sprayed at pink bud, as well as under conditions where there is low disease pressure. If disease pressure is high, growers may need to spray twice: once at pink bud and again at 50% to 80% bloom.
  • Spray only one insecticide. The only insecticide that has been shown to be safe for bees (both adult and immature) is Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Avoid spraying other insecticides during pollination.

More information is available in the Almond Board’s Honey Bee Best Management Practices for California Almonds document.