Broad-Spectrum Fungicide Approved For Specialty Crops In California

Rhyme fungicide from FMC, first registered in California in late 2014 for grapes, has now received approval from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for a wide range of specialty crops including almonds, walnuts, tomatoes, strawberries, melons, stone fruits, brassicas, and leafy vegetables.

The product belongs to FRAC Group 3 and features curative and preventative disease control activities, protecting both crop quality and yields. According to FMC, it is highly effective on powdery mildews, rusts and many other fungi. Rhyme earned the University of California-Davis’ highest rating for powdery mildew control in grapes.

The fungicide is rainfast in two hours and can be tank mixed with most fungicides, insecticides, and surfactants. Always consult the label for specific requirements.