Downy Mildew Makes Early Appearance In Michigan Cucumbers

An alert sent by Michigan State University (MSU) Extension confirms the presence of downy mildew on cucumber leaves in Michigan. In the post, Mary Hausbeck, from the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences says that symptoms observed on the sample included “fairly new angular-shaped lesions that were light green to yellow in color.” She also states there were darker areas seen on the underside of the lesions where the pathogen was reproducing.

Seven-day recording downy mildew spore traps have been placed in major Michigan cucumber producing areas, and current spore counts indicate that the pathogen is not yet widespread in the state.

In Michigan, cucumbers, watermelon, and cantaloupe are especially susceptible to downy mildew.

For more information including suggested control measures, read the full report here.

Source: Michigan State University Extension bulletin.