Free Grafted Tomato Plants For Ohio Growers

Tomato growers in Ohio will soon have free grafted tomato plants available to them as a result of a team effort from the Ohio State University and The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC).

The team has set up a project to help ensure that commercial, fresh market tomato growers benefit as much as possible from their investments in grafted tomato plants. They began the process nearly eight years ago, and will now be focusing on identifying tomato rootstock and scion varieties ideal for combining into grafted plants. The first phase of this project is nearly complete and the second phase begins soon.

Grafted tomato plants will be available to growers free of charge on a first come, first serve basis, and shipments will begin April 1, 2014. Growers may contact Dr. Matt Kleinhenz directly at 330-263-3810, or, or, they may register and submit requests through the online form at

Source: The Ohio State University/OARDC