Online Exclusive: Pepper Potential

Florida ranked second nationally in the acreage, production, and value of bell pepper accounting for 34 % of the national pepper acreage and 38 % of the cash receipts for this crop. Bacterial spot is the most serious disease of pepper because it can spread rapidly during warm periods with wind driven rains, and because fruit symptoms reduce marketability. Bacterial spot is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. It is endemic in all pepper producing areas.

Spotting Symptoms

Symptoms of bacterial spot appear as small, water-soaked, greasy spots on infected leaflets. These may coalesce to give a blighted appearance. Fruit lesions appear blistered. Infection is typically concentrated on older leaves and defoliation may occur in severe infections. Severe plant defoliation can result in reduced quality and yield loss.
Bacterial Battle
Resistant varieties are another useful tool for growers but an integrated disease management strategy is essential to control bacterial spot. The following tactics should be aimed at reducing the survival, spread, and reproduction of bacteria and minimizing infection of plants:
– seed treatment
– foliage treatment
– resistant varieties and
– other integrated disease management tactics

On Trial

After several seasons of planting bacterial spot race 1, 2, 3 resistant pepper varieties, field surveys of bacterial spot populations in South Florida showed the bacterial spot races present in the field had shifted to predominately race 4 and 6. In the past few years, new resistance available has become from breeders and we now have varieties with resistance to races 1,2,3,4,5, and 6.
Nineteen varieties resistant to bacterial spot were started by a commercial greenhouse and were transplanted into the field in replicated trials (4 reps) in the fall (Delray Beach) and spring (Immokalee). Bacterial spot pressure was intense in both locations. The first harvest occurred Jan. 30, 2010 (Delray) and April 14, 2010 (Immokalee).
Bacterial spot ratings were made at harvest.