Southwest Ag Summit Offers Field Demos, Educational Sections


Held during Yuma’s Ag Week in the Winter Vegetable Capital of the World, the Southwest Agriculture Summit includes exhibitor booths, educational seminars, field demonstration, networking, a keynote address, and social events. The summit will be held Feb. 25-26 in Yuma, AZ.

This year, the Southwest Ag Summit is partnering with the International Spinach Conference. The 2015 Yuma Ag Week will kick off with the Spinach Conference Feb. 24 and then roll into the Southwest Ag Summit on Feb. 25.

Held at Arizona Western College in Yuma, the Summit will begin with a breakfast and a field demonstration event. In addition, a farm welding seminar will be conducted, focusing on repairing and strengthening farm equipment.

Thursday’s (Feb. 26) events will kick off with a morning keynote panel discussing water issues in the desert Southwest. Speakers will include Dave Roberts, senior director of Water Resources at the Salt River Project; Charlie Hoppin, chairman of the State Water Resources Control Board; Bill HassenKamp, manager of Colorado River Resources; Tom Davis, general manager for the Yuma County Water Users; and Wade Noble, private practice attorney who will serve as the panel moderator.

Following the morning educational sessions and exhibitor show, the Southwest Ag Summit keynote speaker, Lori Taylor, author of The Produce Mom, will share the importance of everyone’s story within the specialty crop industry. Launched in January 2012, the Produce Mom is the official blog and consumer brand of Indianapolis Fruit Company, a supplier of fresh fruits and vegetables to retailers in more than 14 Midwestern states.

Topics to be covered during the educational sessions include pest and disease management, fresh produce safety update, marketing and technology, crop management and fertility, and marketing.

A complete list of events and description of breakout sessions will be available online at