New York Governor Demands Immediate End to ICE Enforcement Actions

Following reports of an increase in aggressive tactics in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids throughout New York, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo last week issued a cease and desist letter to halt the enforcement actions or he says he will commence legal action.


Cuomo specifically cited the recent detaining and jailing of an employee at a dairy farm in Rome, NY in his letter:

“On the morning of April 18, farmer John Collins heard a commotion on his property. Upon investigation, he discovered plain-clothed ICE agents aggressively questioning one of his farm workers while pushing him up against a window. Concerned for his employee and aware that the man’s young children who had been waiting for the school bus were now watching their father being assaulted, Mr. Collins approached your agents to determine what was happening on his privately owned property and to video what was taking place with his cellphone.  He was handcuffed and his cell phone was thrown on the ground.  Your agents did not have a warrant to enter Mr. Collins’s property nor did they identify themselves or their purpose for being there.  They handcuffed him and threatened to arrest him for properly exercising his constitutional rights.”

According to a report released by Farm Credit East, which is based on 2012 Census data, it is estimated approximately 1,080 New York farms would be impacted by the deportation of undocumented agricultural workers, forcing these farms to go out of business or significantly reduce their operations.

“The raids on New York farms and the arrests of our workers has left many farm families fearful and angry,” Richard A. Ball, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Commissioner said.  “What is happening today has not only shaken the agricultural community, but these actions also have a real potential to impact our agricultural economy with the loss of farms, jobs, and production. I thank Governor Cuomo for standing up for our farmers and farm workers and for his commitment to ensure all New Yorkers have equal protection under the law.”

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The announcement from Cuomo’s office estimates New York agricultural production would likely be reduced by more than $1.37 billion or 24% if all undocumented workers were deported, resulting in more than 21,500 on-farm workers losing their jobs, both immigrants and native-born U.S. citizens. Cuomo’s office also estimates the indirect impact could affect 23,490 workers employed in other agricultural-related fields, including agricultural marketing and processing businesses, farm suppliers and farm service businesses.


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Avatar for john john says:

Cry me a river,if they are not illegal their is no problem.Healthcare and schooling for all the illegals and kids is extraordinarily expensive,We need the army at the border to stop the invasion is that not the sole sole purpose of an army.
Grandstanding Cuomo should be arrested for sedition.

I hope the illegal raiders can be prosecuted for the way they entered and treated the worker and the dairy farmer. Gov. Cuomo is a brave man. Name calling by unsigned commenters is not productive. Congratulations to the senior editor for a courageous report.

Avatar for James Steiger James Steiger says:

Every one of the farmers using illegal immigrants to get an economic advantage over a farmer using his own or local labor should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The use illegal immigrants really hurts the smaller dairy farmer with 1500 cows or less and esp
500 cows or less.
Mr Collins should go to prison.

Avatar for john john says:

Ramifications for for state debt is out of control taxation.Who does it hurt ?old and poor homeowners till they have none.Where are your tears for them ?Forcing them to subsidize illegal workers cost big for schools and healthcare ect.
If higher price for goods are needed let the market work and if it means tariffs so be it .That will be far more fiscally sound in the long run for the citizens.

Avatar for James Steiger James Steiger says:

Also with regard to the Farm Credit East report that 1080 farms would go out of business or reduce operations without the use of illegal immigrants. So what? Farmers that conduct a legal operation would have an opportunity to take over from the farmer violating the law. It would result in more local economic activity and capital retention.
Reminds me why we do not borrow any funds from Greenstone/Farm Credit.

Avatar for farmer farmer says:

How dare they trespass without identifying themselves and harass and assault these people? It’s not only disrespectful to the property owner, it’s illegal.

Who do these agents think they are that they don’t have to follow the laws that apply to everyone else? I want to see their names published. Big government drunk with power.

Kudos to the farmer for speaking out, to the NY State Ag commissioner and the governor for standing up against this abuse of power.

Avatar for JoJo JoJo says:

Funny – if they were going after pro-lifers, those on the left would be fist-pumping & high-fiving all around.

I could care less about these criminals, or the criminal farmers employing them. We want them DEPORTED. And guess what, crybaby farmers? YOU should go to jail and maybe lose your farms over the crimes you commit by hiring these invading illegal aliens.

Avatar for Southern Tier Farmer Southern Tier Farmer says:

King Cuomo is the one drunk on power. I believe ICE probably did identify themselves. No farmer today can claim they didn’t know the person was possibly illegal. Some people like to think farmers are “dumb” . Well it doesn’t make us look smart when we hire illegals and claim we didn’t know. If you are wondering about why a farmer can’t get a local to work it is for two reason I think. First many are too lazy to do actual physical work. Second, why work when the State will give you enough money to live on and get beer. Yes it is in the NY State constitution to provide welfare for all. We need to build the wall and reduce welfare.
