Florida Citrus Gaining Leverage For Next Growth Spurt

It’s no secret that citrus greening has forced the Florida citrus industry into survival mode. Resources have significantly focused on staying alive.

This season, of course, the battle continued. But moments of real and sustainable hope began to emerge. Growers have replanted.

Researchers have announced encouraging results. State and federal authorities have continued to invest in our industry.

And, every step of the way, the Florida Department of Citrus has mirrored the passion and focus of the growers we serve.

This season, we focused on establishing a foundation on which our industry can rely for years to come. Our public relations and marketing activities have not only generated short-term results, but also represent a platform for future growth.

We integrated a message of health into our very identity through the “There’s Amazing Inside” campaign. We collaborated across international boundaries and disciplines to create a cohesive look and feel for Florida citrus. We put a nimble team in place, capable of handling challenges in-house, even in the context of declining crop size.

With the same dedication our stakeholders display in the groves, we have cultivated assets efficiently and effectively. Now, it is time to take it a step further and leverage those assets to propel Florida citrus forward.

Much of our activity next year will feature these creative assets now in place.

Amazing Opportunities

We have a versatile and powerful tool in the “There’s Amazing Inside” campaign. More than just a logo, the campaign simultaneously promotes the virtues and values of Florida growers and extols the nutritional benefits of Florida citrus.

Expect to see “Amazing Inside” and the “Amazing 5” span the globe in both retail and public relations programs during the new season. The associated marks and messages also will be available for utilization by brand partners.

Captain Citrus will continue to expand his influence beyond a comic book. Think kid-friendly place mats and menu cards that not only provide entertainment, but also help families make informed decisions about nutrition. Or picture him in the grocery store on packaging and featured in point-of-sales signs. We have only just begun to uncover the vast potential of Captain Citrus.

Our state welcome centers have long been part of our outreach. But this season, the program became more robust. Through visual displays and branding, visitors to Florida are now introduced to the industry the moment they cross the state line. And, thanks to cohesive branding, our gift fruit shippers are engaging them on the spot with consistent messaging and an integrated look and feel.

On social media channels, we continue to target outreach to specific audiences, reaching our preferred demographics more efficiently than ever before. This allows us to create tailored programs and measure results in real time — something that becomes more and more important as time goes on.

Pairing And Caring

Through it all, we also seek to leverage the industry we proudly serve. Collaboration with growers, brands, and researchers allows us to promote and market Florida citrus in a powerful way.

Greening remains a defining feature of our industry. It may be a long time before production returns to the levels of a decade ago. But we see opportunities equal to the challenges we face.

Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician, said: “Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I can move the Earth.”

Thanks to the achievements of this season, we have the lever and some solid ground. As we move into the upcoming season, we’ll use those tools to move Earth — or at least the needle — for Florida citrus.