Florida Orange Crop Estimate Increases

USDA raised its orange crop forecast for the 2011-2012 season one million boxes, estimating Florida will now produce 147 million boxes. The USDA’s February 2012 report forecast Florida’s crop at 146 million boxes.

“Today’s crop forecast is a reflection of the industry’s year-to-date harvest,” said Mutual EVP/CEO Michael W. Sparks. “As well as what we anticipate seeing through the rest of the season.”

The USDA makes its initial forecast in October and then revises it monthly until the end of the season in July.

The increase was seen entirely in the early and mid-season varieties, with the estimate rising from 73 million to 74 million boxes. Valencias remained at 73 million. For Florida specialty fruit, the USDA predicts 1.15 million boxes of tangelos and 4.3 million boxes of tangerines.

The yield for from concentrate orange juice (FCOJ) increased to 1.64 gallons per 90-pound box from the previous estimate of 1.63 gallons per box.

The USDA predicts Florida will harvest 18.7 million boxes of grapefruit in 2011-2012, showing no change from the February forecast.

♦Click here for the complete USDA estimate.