2005 Apple Grower Of The Year Winner: Gary Mount

Joining Gary Mount in accepting the Apple
Grower of the Year award were John Miller
of Cerexagri, Pam Mount, and American/
Western Fruit Grower
editor Brian Sparks.

With a nod to smaller apple growers, Gary Mount accepted the 2005 Apple Grower of the Year award at the recent USApple Association Outlook and Marketing Conference in Chicago. The award, presented by American/Western Fruit Grower and sponsored by Cerexagri, honors those growers who demonstrate excellence in production, marketing, industry and community involvement, leadership, and innovation.

Mount, who along with his wife Pam owns Terhune Orchards in Princeton, NJ, noted that the big apple producers and processors may be the main decision-makers when it comes to industry issues. But when most Americans think of what it means to be a farmer, they think of growers such as the Mounts, who grow apples, cherries, peaches, blueberries, and several vegetables on fewer than 200 acres of property.

Gary’s thirst for knowledge has led him to the top of his industry,” said American/Western Fruit Grower editor Brian Sparks. Mount accepted the award at USApple’s annual Business Meeting breakfast, in front of past winners such as John Rice (1989) and George Lamont (1997).