Location Matters When it Comes to State of the Fruit Industry Responses


It’s not easy analyzing data, as you can relate. It’s no wonder there is so much software out to slice and dice your farm’s data monthly and yearly. So, here’s a little bit of what we think you’d find interesting because frankly, we found it interesting.

    • 84% of Northeast growers experienced an extreme weather event: “Extreme heat in July, and too much rain mid-August on” summarized one grower from the Northeast.
    • 31% of growers in the Pacific Northwest estimate their 2018 production is down more than 10% over 2017 production.
    • 63% of Midwestern growers say their biggest challenge to finding and keeping qualified labor is “We can’t offer year-round work.”
    • Hops is the top alternative crop for Midwestern growers
    • Codling moth is the biggest crop protection issue for growers in the Pacific Northwest.  “Codling moth successful control program used for the last 15 years did not work in 2018. Powdery mildew in vines did not exist here for the 30 years I’ve been farming it came to life in 2016. Could this be climate related?” Asked one grower in Pacific Northwest.
    • 90% of nut growers in the West are concerned about the direction nut prices are going.