Early Cherry Harvest In Pacific Northwest

Cherry harvest is off to an early start in the Pacific Northwest reports the Tri-City Herald thanks to a warmer-than-average winter and spring. Growers estimate the season is early by a week to 10 days.

“It’s going to be a really quick season,” said James Michael, the Washington State Fruit Commission’s vice president of marketing. “Many growers are expecting to be done picking by mid-July, with a few that may be in the orchards until Aug. 10.”
According to Michael, crop numbers in Oregon will be down – likely half – following a freeze in November which hit trees before dormancy.

Harvest of early varieties was to start this past weekend for many growers, although some are opting to leave fruit on the trees for a little while longer and start picking when June rolls around. The Herald estimates 750,000 boxes are expected to be shipped this month.