Now’s The Time For Fall Foliar Nitrogen In Cherries

A recent report from Michigan State University Extension’s Greg Lang and Nikki Rothwell indicates that stressed sweet and tart cherry trees would benefit from fall foliar nitrogen applications. “There have been many challenges in maintaining cherry tree health this season, even without a fruit crop,” the report says. “Sweet cherry orchards have endured severe bacterial canker infections and many tart cherry orchards had outbreaks of cherry leaf spot. Both of these diseases have caused substantial defoliation throughout the season. Additionally, orchards without irrigation are under drought stress at this time, resulting in very little photosynthesis or nutrient uptake.

“Therefore, as we head into winter, if trees still have the majority of their leaves, we are recommending fall foliar nitrogen applications in orchards that have had any leaf loss or drought stress this year. Fall foliar nitrogen applications have been shown to increase winter hardiness as well as improve tree growth and fruiting in apples and cherries the following season.”

To read the full report, click here.