Washington State University Launches New Drought Website

Washington State University (WSU) Extension recently launched a new website to share updates and water conservation with tips to growers and residents of the Evergreen State to help cope with a dry year.

WSU’s Agriculture Weather Network Program, AgWeatherNet, helped develop the site in coordination with WSU Extension.

The site was designed to provide growers, ranchers, foresters and the general public with research-based publications, drought updates, useful links, as well as news on drought-related issues. Topics covered include irrigation management.

Included on the site is a #WADrought Twitter feed where viewers can view the conversation and latest updates about the drought.

The drought in Washington began last year, and with less snowpack this winter and higher-than-average temperatures, water supplies have suffered, even with above-average precipitation. AgWeatherNet predicts growers in the state will be facing depleted supplies and higher demand following water evaporation in drier, warmer conditions.

“We are all dependent on our waters,” Gerrit Hoogenboom, AgWeatherNet director says. “The long-range weather outlook continues to suggest enhanced odds of warmer and perhaps drier than normal conditions for Washington through early 2016.”

Source: WSU extension bulletin