Scientists Say Pistachios Could Provide Coffee-Like Beverage Without The Caffeine

Scientists have discovered that fruit from Pistacia terebinthus trees (smaller than regular pistachios), when roasted carefully, could produce a beverage with all the flavor of coffee, without the caffeine kick.

According to a story in the U.K.’s Telegraph, this type of pistachio comes from trees whose sap is commonly used as a source of turpentine. But, University of York chemists say it also has the same “chemical signature” as coffee, which means it can have the same flavor and smell.

Researchers who roasted the P. terebinthus nuts were able to produce chemicals that gave the nuts the smell of caramel and burnt sugar and a citrus and pine flavor.

The Telegraph put the pistachio beverage to the test, challenging a judge for the U.K. Barista Championships to taste test it. “It has quite a distinctive flavor, but I’m not sure it is a perfect substitute for traditional coffee,” she said. “It does smell really nice, and I could see why it might take off.”

To read the full Telegraph story, click here.