Webcast On IPM Of Whiteflies And Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus

Whiteflies are known for their ability to carry and spread disease. Throughout the world, they’re responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in crop damage each year.

In U.S. tomato crops, whiteflies vector a number of damaging viruses. Among the most potentially troublesome in the southeast is tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), which can cause yield losses of up to 90%.

In the latest Focus on Tomato presentation, titled “IPM of Whiteflies and TYLCV in Florida Fresh Market Tomato”, University of Florida entomology professor Phil Stansly helps consultants, growers, and other practitioners develop a balanced approach to management of this pest and this associated virus.

This integrated approach includes various biological, cultural, insecticidal, and host plant resistance strategies.

By the end of this presentation, viewers in tomato growing regions of the U.S. will understand the strengths and weakness of each approach and also have a roadmap for integrating them into a workable and sustainable system.

Click here to view the presentation. It can be viewed through Feb. 28, 2014.

Users can view other recent webcasts in the Focus on Tomato resource at

Source: The Plant Management Network news release