3 New Fungicide Product Options for Vegetable Growers

As crop protection challenges continue to evolve for farmers, so do chemistries available and methods to apply them.


Here are three new fungicide products sporting unique modes of action for maximum efficacy.

FMC Corp. Fracture fungicide logoFracture

Fracture from FMC Corp. is a broad spectrum, biological fungicide, which is labeled for the prevention and control of powdery mildew, botrytis, and brown rot blossom blight. The active ingredient, Banda de Lupinus albus doce is a naturally occurring seed storage protein from the sweet lupine plant. It works on contact by binding to the fungal cell and deforming the chitin, disrupting nutrient absorption and inhibiting fungal cell production. This action tears a hole in the cell wall and ultimately destroys the fungal cell. Within eight hours, the fungal cell is dead. Due to Fracture’s unique nature, the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) assigned it to a newly created FRAC Group (M12).

Syngenta Miravis fungicide logoMiravis

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Miravis will be the brand name for Syngenta’s new fungicide product line containing the active ingredient, Adepidyn, which is currently under regulatory review. The first member of a new chemical group within the carboxamide class, Adepidyn fungicide is said to provide activity against all chemical classes of leaf spots and powdery mildew. In addition, it promises efficacy against botrytis, sclerotinia, and corynespora. Specific formulations for potatoes, corn, and other crops will be announced later this year.

Rhyme fungicide logoRhyme

FMC’s Rhyme fungicide is approved for a wide range of specialty crops including tomatoes, strawberries, melons, stone fruits, brassicas, and leafy vegetables. The product belongs to FRAC Group 3 and features curative and preventative disease control activities, protecting both crop quality and yields. According to FMC, it is highly effective on powdery mildews, rusts, and many other fungi. The fungicide is rainfast in two hours and can be tank-mixed with most fungicides, insecticides, and surfactants.