EPA To Step Up Clean Water Act Enforcement

EPA Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced last week at a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing that the agency is stepping up its efforts on Clean Water Act enforcement. The Clean Water Action Enforcement Plan is a first step in revamping the compliance and enforcement program. It seeks to improve the protection of our nation’s water quality, raise the bar in federal and state performance, and enhance public transparency.


“The safety of the water that we use in our homes — the water we drink and give to our children — is of paramount importance to our health and our environment. Having clean and safe water in our communities is a right that should be guaranteed for all Americans,” said Administrator Jackson.  “Updating our efforts under the Clean Water Act will promote innovative solutions for 21st century water challenges, build stronger ties between EPA, state, and local actions, and provide the transparency the public rightfully expects.” 

The plan announced today outlines how the agency will strengthen the way it addresses the water pollution challenges of this century. These challenges include pollution caused by numerous, dispersed sources, such as concentrated animal feeding operations, sewer overflows, contaminated water that flows from industrial facilities, construction sites, and runoff from urban streets.  

The goals of the plan are to target enforcement to the most significant pollution problems, improve transparency and accountability by providing the public with access to better data on the water quality in their communities, and strengthen enforcement performance at the state and federal levels. Elements of the plan include the following:

  • Develop more comprehensive approaches to ensure enforcement is targeted to the most serious violations and the most significant sources of pollution.
  • Work with states to ensure greater consistency throughout the country with respect to compliance and water quality. Ensure that states are issuing protective permits and taking enforcement to achieve compliance and remove economic incentives to violate the law.
  • Use 21st century information technology to collect, analyze and use information in new, more efficient ways and to make that information readily accessible to the public. Better tools will help federal and state regulators identify serious compliance problems quickly and take prompt actions to correct them. 

Last July, Administrator Jackson directed EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance to develop the plan in response to data showing that the nation’s water quality is unacceptably low in many parts of the country.

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More information on the plan: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/civil/cwa/cwaenfplan.html
Source: EPA Press Release


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Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

If one wants to make a case for good or bad water quality, then adjust the bar used to measure the water. Drinking water standards for many years allowed up to 50 ppb of arsenic. Many natural water sources around the country have natural levels between 20 and 40 ppb. Several years ago, the limit was changed to 10 ppb. This immediately made many water systems have water that was not meeting the standard. There was no change in the water quality, but it no longer meet the requirements. We should all be careful when reading that the nation’s water is ‘unacceptably’ low in many parts of the country.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

In fifteen years I fear my grandchildren will be drafted to protect our inbound food supply routes around the globe just as our young folks are now put in harm’s way to protect our inbound energy supply routes.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

The above comment applies to proposed mining operations and has for many years, automatically creating a non-compliance as the downstream water in a stream below a proposed mine has to meet an arbitrary standard, even if the water coming from upstream into a mine area already exceeds the arbitary standard.
Unless a mining activity is thus ready , willing, and able to clean up mother nature forever , then the mine willnot proceed as it will not get a permit.
This is the ” cause” of the Summittville “disaster” as the EPA and Colorado agencies would not allow the standard to be adjusted to mother natures existing upstream levels, and required the operation to clean up the water to an unrealistic standard forever, at which point the operation declared bankruptcy, giving the problem to the EPA, who created and triggered it as a “flagship” problem.
Any and all farming activities are prone to the same type of judgement and enforcement under the EPA perspective. What if the salinity coming onto your field exceeds some arbitary downstream standard, you are then responsible for the reduction because you entered the flow. Go figure!!! This is not a joke. The same applies for any and all substances classified and measured and subjected to an arbitrary “out of the sky” standard. SCARY? YES!!!! Be aware and be prepared. I have been there already.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

Is that the sound of a jackboot I hear in the driveway?

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

The article below spells out the real reason for the “Clean Water Restoration Act of 2009”. It has nothing to do with the cleaning of our nations waters. It is in fact part of a UN program called Agendda 21. The US and other countries around the world have signed on to Agenda 21 of which the ultimate goal is to reduce the world population by 90%. Please read below. The collectivist government we have elected are on board with the globalists to do just that.
Another point is that if the federal gov’t wants to clean up the nations water supply why don’t they start by removing ALL flouride from public drinking water supplies. FLOURIDE KILLS!!!! Oh yeah, I forgot they want to kill us!!!!
Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds Cassandra Anderson
September 30, 2009
The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states. Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water!
Dr. Michael Coffman, the creator of the Agenda 21 map, covertly obtained secret United Nations documents he used to compile the map which illustrates the resource acquisition goals of the Globalists at the UN. While Sustainable Development appears to be benign, its accompanying Global Biodiversity Assessment report states that only one billion people can be sustained in an industrial society!
An example of this is playing out right now in California, regarding the man made drought. This situation affects every American, as California’s Central Valley supplies our country with 50% of its vegetable, fruits and nuts ( http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/, see the California Agricultural Statistical Review report). The federal Endangered Species Act, regarding the ‘threatened’ smelt minnow, is being used to severly restrict the water pump that delivers water from the Delta to the Central Valley farmlands, thus creating the drought condition. Both the federal Department of Interior and the federal Department of Commerce are claiming jurisdiction in order to control water resources.
California’s water usage is divided as follows:
48 % Environmental (federally regulated)
41 % Agricultural
11 % Urban
Interestingly, the subagencies of these two federal agencies that supplied the biological opinions are influenced by the United Nations. The UN was created in 1945, and the following year, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was created by the UN to act as a scientific advisor. The US Fish and Wildlife Service, a subagency of the Department of Interior, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service, subagencies of the Department of Commerce, are memebers of the IUCN, and supplied the biological opinions. There are many lawsuits disputing the validity of these opinions.
The UN’s scientific advisor, the IUCN also counts the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) as a memeber. The NRDC is the lead Plaintiff in compelling the water cut off. It is important to note that the NRDC has a budget of $87 million dollars, and is funded by the “philanthropic” Ford Foundation. You can check out their website to see the bills they are promoting for ‘sustainablility’, like the Clean Water Restoration Act (S787), which could put all water under federal contol, the Law of Sea Treaty that would give the UN incredible power over American marine waterways and the Global Warming Cap and Trade bill.
Further, this is an example of the “global to local” battle combining governmental and non governmental agencies to accomplish the objectives of Agenda 21, per Sustainable Development and legal expert Michael Shaw. The IUCN has many NGO’s as members including the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation and the National Audubon Society. Most people do want to support natural flora and fauna, but it is false environmentalism when the underlying intention is mass depopulation.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is an abomination, according to Michael Shaw, as it opens the door for federal authority over State sovereignty. The US Constitution grants the federal government no authority over wildlife! Under the Constitution, States have jurisdiction over essentially all land. Beginning in 1900, federal officials operating under the ‘commerce clause’ enforced federal law to gain authority over certain poaching activities. The adoption of the initial Endangered Species Act was in the 1940’s and the current Endangered Species Act of 1973 is based on a United Nations model! The Department of Interior is now in charge of listing species that they deem endangered or threatened- imagine the power in that. The dubious biological opinions have caused massive resource loss and economic upheaval. For instance, just this year alone, the water restrictions on the Delta have spilled over 600,000 acre feet of usable water into the Pacific Ocean!
Another example of federal intervention, according to Mike Henry at http://www.farmwater.org, is the Central Valley Project Improvement Act of 1992, which reduces water delivery or export by 1.2 million acre feet of water each year! Even when California has wet years, the amount of water allowed for delivery is still reduced by 1.2 million acres of water, despite the existence of more water; the amount delivered is based on contracts, not the water level, and the excess water flows into the Pacific.
There is even more federal intervention with the CW Jones pump that was built by the federal government. The pump will be paid off by 2030, yet the federal Bureau of Reclamation under the Department of Interior will still own and maintain it. It’s time to assert the 10th Amendment.
Michael Shaw encourages people to educate themselves, their communities and their state and local governments. You can find out more at his great website that also contains free downloadable information at http://www.freedomadvocates.org.
Thanks to Dr. Michael Coffman, president of Sovereignty International at http://www.sovereignty.net and Mike Henry of http://www.farmwater.org.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

If one wants to make a case for good or bad water quality, then adjust the bar used to measure the water. Drinking water standards for many years allowed up to 50 ppb of arsenic. Many natural water sources around the country have natural levels between 20 and 40 ppb. Several years ago, the limit was changed to 10 ppb. This immediately made many water systems have water that was not meeting the standard. There was no change in the water quality, but it no longer meet the requirements. We should all be careful when reading that the nation’s water is ‘unacceptably’ low in many parts of the country.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

In fifteen years I fear my grandchildren will be drafted to protect our inbound food supply routes around the globe just as our young folks are now put in harm’s way to protect our inbound energy supply routes.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

The above comment applies to proposed mining operations and has for many years, automatically creating a non-compliance as the downstream water in a stream below a proposed mine has to meet an arbitrary standard, even if the water coming from upstream into a mine area already exceeds the arbitary standard.
Unless a mining activity is thus ready , willing, and able to clean up mother nature forever , then the mine willnot proceed as it will not get a permit.
This is the ” cause” of the Summittville “disaster” as the EPA and Colorado agencies would not allow the standard to be adjusted to mother natures existing upstream levels, and required the operation to clean up the water to an unrealistic standard forever, at which point the operation declared bankruptcy, giving the problem to the EPA, who created and triggered it as a “flagship” problem.
Any and all farming activities are prone to the same type of judgement and enforcement under the EPA perspective. What if the salinity coming onto your field exceeds some arbitary downstream standard, you are then responsible for the reduction because you entered the flow. Go figure!!! This is not a joke. The same applies for any and all substances classified and measured and subjected to an arbitrary “out of the sky” standard. SCARY? YES!!!! Be aware and be prepared. I have been there already.

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

Is that the sound of a jackboot I hear in the driveway?

Avatar for Anonymous Anonymous says:

The article below spells out the real reason for the “Clean Water Restoration Act of 2009”. It has nothing to do with the cleaning of our nations waters. It is in fact part of a UN program called Agendda 21. The US and other countries around the world have signed on to Agenda 21 of which the ultimate goal is to reduce the world population by 90%. Please read below. The collectivist government we have elected are on board with the globalists to do just that.
Another point is that if the federal gov’t wants to clean up the nations water supply why don’t they start by removing ALL flouride from public drinking water supplies. FLOURIDE KILLS!!!! Oh yeah, I forgot they want to kill us!!!!
Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds Cassandra Anderson
September 30, 2009
The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states. Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water!
Dr. Michael Coffman, the creator of the Agenda 21 map, covertly obtained secret United Nations documents he used to compile the map which illustrates the resource acquisition goals of the Globalists at the UN. While Sustainable Development appears to be benign, its accompanying Global Biodiversity Assessment report states that only one billion people can be sustained in an industrial society!
An example of this is playing out right now in California, regarding the man made drought. This situation affects every American, as California’s Central Valley supplies our country with 50% of its vegetable, fruits and nuts ( http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/, see the California Agricultural Statistical Review report). The federal Endangered Species Act, regarding the ‘threatened’ smelt minnow, is being used to severly restrict the water pump that delivers water from the Delta to the Central Valley farmlands, thus creating the drought condition. Both the federal Department of Interior and the federal Department of Commerce are claiming jurisdiction in order to control water resources.
California’s water usage is divided as follows:
48 % Environmental (federally regulated)
41 % Agricultural
11 % Urban
Interestingly, the subagencies of these two federal agencies that supplied the biological opinions are influenced by the United Nations. The UN was created in 1945, and the following year, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was created by the UN to act as a scientific advisor. The US Fish and Wildlife Service, a subagency of the Department of Interior, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service, subagencies of the Department of Commerce, are memebers of the IUCN, and supplied the biological opinions. There are many lawsuits disputing the validity of these opinions.
The UN’s scientific advisor, the IUCN also counts the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) as a memeber. The NRDC is the lead Plaintiff in compelling the water cut off. It is important to note that the NRDC has a budget of $87 million dollars, and is funded by the “philanthropic” Ford Foundation. You can check out their website to see the bills they are promoting for ‘sustainablility’, like the Clean Water Restoration Act (S787), which could put all water under federal contol, the Law of Sea Treaty that would give the UN incredible power over American marine waterways and the Global Warming Cap and Trade bill.
Further, this is an example of the “global to local” battle combining governmental and non governmental agencies to accomplish the objectives of Agenda 21, per Sustainable Development and legal expert Michael Shaw. The IUCN has many NGO’s as members including the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation and the National Audubon Society. Most people do want to support natural flora and fauna, but it is false environmentalism when the underlying intention is mass depopulation.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is an abomination, according to Michael Shaw, as it opens the door for federal authority over State sovereignty. The US Constitution grants the federal government no authority over wildlife! Under the Constitution, States have jurisdiction over essentially all land. Beginning in 1900, federal officials operating under the ‘commerce clause’ enforced federal law to gain authority over certain poaching activities. The adoption of the initial Endangered Species Act was in the 1940’s and the current Endangered Species Act of 1973 is based on a United Nations model! The Department of Interior is now in charge of listing species that they deem endangered or threatened- imagine the power in that. The dubious biological opinions have caused massive resource loss and economic upheaval. For instance, just this year alone, the water restrictions on the Delta have spilled over 600,000 acre feet of usable water into the Pacific Ocean!
Another example of federal intervention, according to Mike Henry at http://www.farmwater.org, is the Central Valley Project Improvement Act of 1992, which reduces water delivery or export by 1.2 million acre feet of water each year! Even when California has wet years, the amount of water allowed for delivery is still reduced by 1.2 million acres of water, despite the existence of more water; the amount delivered is based on contracts, not the water level, and the excess water flows into the Pacific.
There is even more federal intervention with the CW Jones pump that was built by the federal government. The pump will be paid off by 2030, yet the federal Bureau of Reclamation under the Department of Interior will still own and maintain it. It’s time to assert the 10th Amendment.
Michael Shaw encourages people to educate themselves, their communities and their state and local governments. You can find out more at his great website that also contains free downloadable information at http://www.freedomadvocates.org.
Thanks to Dr. Michael Coffman, president of Sovereignty International at http://www.sovereignty.net and Mike Henry of http://www.farmwater.org.
