Ohio Launches Locally Grown Initiative

Nearly 100 independently owned grocery retailers are participating this year in a new marketing effort called OH So Fresh.


The retail marketing campaign is designed to raise consumer awareness about Ohio grown specialty crops by giving Ohioans expanded opportunities to sample and purchase locally grown, farm fresh produce from their local grocers.The groups partnering to get behind the launch of the initiative include the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA), Ohio Grocers Foundation, Ohio Produce Growers and Marketers Association, and Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Ohio has more than 2,000 specialty crop growers providing everything from asparagus to zucchini.
“Although Ohio grown produce is abundant at farmers’ markets, farm stands, and through community supported agriculture programs, the majority of Ohioans turn to their local grocery stores for the bulk of their grocery purchases. That’s why it’s critical that growers and grocers are working together to offer locally grown food at these stores,” said Milo Petruziello, OEFFA program associate. “Shoppers increasingly want to support local farmers, and this marketing campaign will help to let them know what Ohio grown foods are available at their local grocery store.”

The campaign provides promotional materials to grocers, so customers will easily identify locally grown produce by the OH So Fresh label. Sampling and demonstration events will also take place at some stores; event announcements will be made on the campaign’s Facebook page throughout the summer and fall.

A full list of participating grocers is available here.

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