Fresh Appeal of New Citrus Varieties

Citrus Nursery Source: Fresh Appeal


Citrus nurseries looking for fresh varieties have two exciting new options. Both of these varieties are mandarin hybrids that have been licensed to New Varieties Development & Management Corp. (NVDMC), and are available for contract. Many growers look to their nursery of choice for advice about which varieties might have commercial or niche market appeal. Varietal competition from other production areas and states is intensifying, and the Florida grower is seeking alternatives. Here are two varieties that may pique growers’ interest.

Sugar Belle

The Sugar Belle LB-9 mandarin hybrid is a patent pending, mid-season maturing variety that resulted from a cross between Clementine and Minneola. Though the Sugar Belle fruit resembles Minneola in shape, it matures four to six weeks earlier and features deeper internal and external color. It was developed by the University of Florida’s Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. Florida Foundation Seed Producers Inc. awarded the exclusive domestic rights to the Sugar Belle to NVDMC.
Growth Habit: Sugar Belle trees are quite vigorous and require horticultural manipulation to control size and cropping. This variety has shown much greater tolerance of alternaria than Minneola — offering an advantage to the grower in the specialty market.
Fruit: The fruit is described as having a “rich” or “robust” flavor. Sugar Belle fruit has higher brix and acid than Minneola and Sunburst, as well as significantly greater amounts of vitamin C. When placed against competitive varieties, consumers give the Sugar Belle high marks for appearance and flavor. The Sugar Belle is not a seedless variety. If grown in close proximity to pollinators, seeds may be an issue. If grown in solid blocks and/or in isolation, combined with suggested horticultural practices, the seeds count averages can be as low as two to three per fruit, with many of the smaller fruit seedless.
Budwood: Ample budwood is available for licensed nurseries through the Bureau of Budwood Registration.
Fees: Tree fees and production royalties apply.
License Agreements: There are separate agreements for nurseries, growers, and packers. Once a grower is licensed, orders can be placed with the nursery. The Budwood office checks with NVDMC before filling nursery requests for budwood. There also is a packer agreement that covers production royalty payments and trademark details. Presently, the Sugar Belle is only available for commercial production, though it is hoped that dooryard sales will soon be added.


The Tango is an easy peel, virtually-seedless mid-season mandarin (December-January). It is a mutation of the W-Murcott developed by the University of California’s Scion Breeding Program in Riverside. The Tango has been widely planted in California and also is coming online in several overseas production areas.
Though it is not yet known how the Tango will fare in Florida’s conditions, we have seen quality W-Murcott production in north Lake County and limited production in Hendry County. Trial blocks are under way in Orange and Indian River counties. The Tango seems to grow and produce like a W-Murcott wherever planted.
Growth Habit: The tree is upright with excellent production commencing in the second year after planting. Alternate bearing does not appear to be a significant issue in California, nor in W-Murcott groves in Florida. Trees will tend to overproduce if not managed.
Fruit: The fruit is easy peel and well colored (orange) internally and externally. Also, it is virtually seedless. The fruit hold well on the tree in California groves.
Budwood: Tango budwood is in very short supply. Presently, four citrus nurseries are increasing budwood, as is the Bureau of Budwood Registration. It is hoped that nurseries might be able to take orders by spring 2011.
Fees: Tree fees and production royalties apply.
License Agreements: There are separate agreements for nurseries, growers, and packers. Once a grower is licensed, orders can be placed with the nursery. The Budwood office checks with NVDMC before filling nursery requests for budwood. There also is a packer agreement that covers production royalty payments and trademark issues. Presently, the Tango is only available for commercial production.

Growth Opportunity

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Nurseries can refer growers interested in these varieties to NVDMC and/or eMail the author at [email protected].