Almond Growers: 6 Tips For Sustaining The Drought

Pointers focus on how much to irrigate, when to start irrigating, nitrogen reductions, and more.


Here are answers to the more commonly asked questions regarding almond drought management, according to The Almond Doctor, a blog created by University of California Cooperative Extension David Doll.

There are a few lingering questions from the various presentations on almond drought management over the past few weeks.

Question #1 from growers, writes Doll, is: How should I plan to irrigate my trees?

This is dependent upon the amount of water that is available. If you have greater than 80-85% of the water that is typically applied to the orchard, deficits can be targeted (50% reduction in applied water) for the period after kernel fill but before hull split.

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If less than 80%, the water should be spread out at the relative percentage of water use. For example, if 30% of the season’s water is available, every irrigation would be 30% of normal. Keep in mind that in drought years it is often hotter than in “normal” years.

Questions regarding other common concerns of growers are answered here.