FDA Concludes GMO Crops Innate Potato And Arctic Apple Are Safe For Consumption

Today, FDA announced in a news release it has completed its evaluation for two varieties of apples genetically engineered by Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Inc., and for six potato varieties genetically engineered by J. R. Simplot Company.


gmo apple

Arctic Golden slices (bottom) are seen compared to conventional Golden Delicious apple slices. (Photo credit: Okanagan Specialty Fruits)


The agency concluded the apples and potatoes are as safe and nutritious as their conventional counterparts.

Okanagan’s Granny Smith and Golden Delicious varieties of apples, known collectively by the trade name “Arctic Apples,” are genetically engineered to resist browning associated with cuts and bruises.

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Ranger Russet, Russet Burbank, and Atlantic potatoes, varieties from Simplot collectively known by the trade name “Innate,” are genetically engineered to reduce the formation of black spot bruises by lowering the levels of certain enzymes in the potatoes. The spuds also are engineered to produce less acrylamide, a chemical that has been linked to cancer in animals.

According to the news release, foods derived from genetically engineered plants must meet the same legal standards, including safety standards, as foods derived from traditional plant breeding methods. To help those developing foods derived from genetically engineered plants comply with their responsibilities under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and FDA regulations, FDA encourages them to take part in a voluntary consultation process with the agency before commercially distributing the product.

As part of the consultation process, both Okanagan, of British Columbia, Canada, and Simplot, of Boise, ID, submitted to FDA a summary of their safety and nutritional assessments.

“The consultation process includes a review of information provided by a company about the nature of the molecular changes and the nutritional composition of the food compared to traditionally bred varieties,” said Dennis Keefe, Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Office of Food Additive Safety. “This case-by-case safety evaluation ensures that food safety issues are resolved prior to commercial distribution.”

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According to the news release, FDA has no additional food safety questions concerning food from these plant varieties. It is a company’s continuing responsibility to ensure that food it markets is safe and in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. In certain circumstances, characteristics of these varieties of apples and potatoes that differ from their conventional counterparts may require disclosure to the consumer. Both companies are encouraged to consult with the FDA about potential labeling requirements, FDA states.

Click here for more information from the Center for Science In The Public Interest.

For more information about Innate, go to www.simplot.com/news/innate_potato_receives_fda_safety_clearance.



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Avatar for Gary Reid Gary Reid says:


Avatar for Montana Farmer Montana Farmer says:

The real cause of autism> abc.net.au/science/articles/2013/04/29/3740590.htm

Avatar for Biodynamic Doug Biodynamic Doug says:

Note that the FDA doesn’t really do any testing. They make conclusions from the data submitted voluntarily BY THE COMPANY ITSELF. Seems more like FDA marketing assistance. In any event, I wonder why these mutations are necessary. There are plenty of fine, non-hybrid potato and apple varieties out there. I’ve grown some amazing potatoes that you can’t find commercially. And who knows how these mutations affect flavor and nutrition. I for one would find it completely unnatural for my potato or apple to not brown. That’s why we always grow our own or buy organic! BTW, these potatoes/apples have nothing to do with Roundup. However, most commercial potato growers use a systemic pesticide which you then end up eating since it’s SYSTEMIC, meaning it goes throughout the whole plant, including the potato itself. Again, buy organic! Vote with your dollars.

Avatar for NC NC says:

Of course they were approved….the FDA is basically run by Monsanto. I will never, ever purchase these products or any other GMO product

Avatar for Ellen Ellen says:

Nonsense! Autism is not caused by a GMO foods! I suppose every advance in science has had their share of “the sky is falling” opponents. I’m not willing to vilify this technology on the word of panicky people who have read an article or two on the internet and now consider themselves authorities on the subject! Autism spectrum diseases have always been around we’ve gotten better at diagnosing them but if they existed years ago ( I babysat for an autistic child when I was 18 and am now 65) how could a new technology be at fault? Enough of the scare tactics! We need scientific advancements to feed the steadily growing world population. We face complex global weather changes and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that no one will care what method was used to increase production, retard spoilage and keep food prices affordable when they have to feed their families down the road. There are always organic foods for those that can pay the higher price and are afraid of advances in scienc.

Avatar for Jan Jan says:

Could not be stated better. It is good to hear some common sense in this ongoing debate where emotions tend to take the overhand.

Avatar for Philip Philip says:

This is good news.

Genetically engineered agricultural products go through some of the stringent testing and standards of all products that are available. Imagine if the internet had such stringent standards on accuracy of information or requiring that their claims are backed by evidence, web searches probably wouldn’t extend past a page. The inaccuracies heard about GMO’s, and supposed “facts” or “statistics” (with no source, just some number someone picked out of thin air) would be rejected immediately. The numerous websites generated by people who are looking for scapegoats (Autism, allergies, for example) for problems that have affected people for the sake of stifling technology and advances made in Science, grow tiresome.

Food production has increased substantially since the 1900’s, child mortality rates have fallen in industrial countries. The ‘good old’ days are now. We (as a society on a whole) know considerably more about plant physiology, plant pathology, soil science, water conservation, agricultural engineering and food safety than at any time in our history. Yields (check the national agricultural statistics service http://www.nass.usda.gov) have improved. Quality has improved, and genetically engineered products will help that to continue, and like all other consumer products produced will still be subjected to expertly reviewed studies and regulations, and science based information.

Working to reduce food spoilage as these potato and apples are intended, should hardly be considered controversial. I would much rather consume food, that has not been invaded by bacteria, and fungi (who can produce toxins of their own), and can lead to large scale crop loss. There is a world to feed, good agricultural land is getting harder to find, and production levels need to continue to increase. Not everyone is a fortunate to be living in a part of the world, where food shortages are relatively rare to non-existent, or has the time to complain about the abundant and safe food supply.

Avatar for Vincent P. Colandrea Sr, Vincent P. Colandrea Sr, says:

How can food laced with 2-4D & Glyphosate be safe to eat? They are not. The 6 major companies are: Syngenta, Bayer, BASE, Dow, Monsanto & DuPont (I call them the 6 devils from hell). They control 59.8% of all Commercial Seeds; 76.1% of all Agrochemicals. These 6 companies account for more than 76% of all private R&D. Now, that’s really letting the fox watch the henhouse. Now our politicians at work: Dow & Monsanto Herbicide that weeds will become resistant to GLTYPHOSATE Herbicide will become & become resistant to2-4D & DICAMBA. THE GM Crops BEE Killing Pesticide to be band in Wildlife Refuges, that’s fine, what do I use to pollinate my vegetable crops? The USDA is giving the go ahead to Dow Chemical on GM Corn & Soybeans. Think about it, wheat, corn & soybeans make a hell-of-a-lot of the foods we eat? There has been a 200-300% INCREASE in the use of 2-4D. Give me a break, you’ll never convince me that the USDA, FDA & EPA shouldn’t be shut down along with the 6 devils from hell.
And the EPA is worried about how much water you use when taking a shower at a hotel, OR how much emissions you’re putting into the air. Never mind how they are killing our wildlife, our water supply, mothers breast milk for New Borns and the list goes on & on & on. As an Organic Chemical Free Non-GMO, GE & GM Vegetable & Fruit Grower it is getting harder & harder to get seeds and/or supplies that DO NOT have garbage laced into it. Thank You. Vince

Avatar for David Himelrick David Himelrick says:

As skeptical objective scientist I always put my trust in good science and try to employ my best critical thinking skills wherever possible. This type of critical inquiry is why we practice evidence-based medicine in the United States and no longer try to bleed the disease out of people. Science, as opposed to dogma, is self-correcting over time as new facts are revealed. Many good scientists have dedicated their lives to finding the truth and serving mankind. Please take a fair and open-minded look at the sites listed below.

One of the best articles I have found on GMOs is one titled: ‘A literature review on the safety assessment of genetically modified plants.’ It was published in a peer reviewed scientific journal.

“The scientific research conducted so far has not detected any significant hazards directly connected with the use of genetically engineered crops.” That’s the conclusion from a team of Italian scientists, who just completed a thorough systematic review of the scientific research conducted on genetically modified (GM) crops in the past decade. Their work is published in the journal Critical Review of Biotechnology.

Led by Alessandro Nicolia, an applied biologist at the University of Perugia in Italy, the team collected and evaluated 1,783 research papers, reviews, relevant opinions, and reports published between 2002 and 2012, a comprehensive process that took 12 months to complete. The records covered all aspects of GM crop safety, from how the crops interact with the environment, to how they could potentially affect the humans and animals who consume them.

“Our goal was to create a single document where interested people of all levels of expertise can get an overview on what has been done by scientists regarding GE crop safety,” Nicolia told RCScience. “We tried to give a balanced view informing about what has been debated, the conclusions reached so far, and emerging issues.” You can read the complete article at the site below.


[…] that ban genetically modified organisms, labeling the use of it is a current concern. For harvesters, genetically modified produce helps with the bruising of fruit and vegetables and loss of crop; […]

Avatar for Susanna Dzejachok, Independent Inspector Susanna Dzejachok, Independent Inspector says:

The Russet Burbank is an heirloom potato variety. The others are extant potato varieties. Are you saying they genetically modified these and are marketing them under their original names? Possibly under the Innate brand?
