Florida Citrus Estimate Holds Steady

According to USDA’s updated 2010-2011 Florida all orange forecast, tallies remain unchanged from last month at 142 million boxes. The total comprises 70 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, Navel, and Temple varieties) and 72 million boxes of Valencia oranges.


The forecast of all tangerine production rose 100,000 boxes to 4.5 million due to an increase in the Honey variety forecast. The total is made up of the early varieties (Fallglo and Sunburst) at 2.6 million boxes and Honey tangerines now forecast at 1.9 million boxes. The forecast of tangelo production also increased 50,000 boxes from the previous forecast. The change is based on total utilization, with certifications over 1 million boxes and an allocation for non-certified use.

♦Citrus Nursery Source: Find out more about potential opportunity in the expanding marketplace demand for blood oranges.♦

The forecast of all grapefruit production remains at 19.6 million boxes, including an allocation of 700,000 boxes for non-certified gift fruit and local sales.

The projection for frozen concentrated orange increased to 1.58 gallons per box of 42° Brix concentrate for all oranges, up from 1.57 gallons per box in March. The late (Valencia) projection is 1.65 gallons per box, up from 1.62 gallons per box last month.

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Click here to view the complete USDA citrus production estimate.