Easy Guide for U-Pick Farmers to Manage Through COVID-19

In the time coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the world, businesses all over have had to rethink their model to stay in operation while also taking the necessary steps to help prevent spread of the illness. Farms that deal directly with the public — like U-Picks — have to make sound adjustments in particular. Members of University of Florida and North Carolina State Extension recently teamed up to create a guidance for U-Pick farm managers to proceed in the world of COVID-19.

The document, which is one of a series from the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, breaks solutions down into three pillars.

I. Best Practices

  • Employees should use gloves when handling money, or consider using cards to limit transfer of cash. If money is handled, hands should be washed or hand sanitizer should be used afterward.
  • Postpone any large events or gatherings to avoid large numbers of people in close proximity.
  • Masks are not necessary, as they are not protective to healthy people, but prevent the spread of the virus from sick people.

II. Communication

  • Communicate that customers should not come to the farm if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or have come in contact with someone who has. And if they are displaying symptoms at the farm, they will be asked to leave.
  • Communicate to customers through signs, social media, or newsletters, etc.
  • Communicate employees will not work if they have symptoms or were exposed.

III. Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Farms should provide handwashing stations and/or hand sanitizer to all guests and request that they wash their hands before entering the field and upon exiting.
    *Employees should hand-sanitize after every transaction and should wear gloves.
  • Disinfect surfaces on a regular basis, including reusable bins and buckets, railings, doorknobs, tables, etc.
    *Use non-porous plastic tables that can be easily disinfected whenever possible.
  • CDC advises using compounds on the list of EPA recommended disinfectants, which can be found at: go.ncsu.edu/epacovid-19 (Note: this list is based on current data, but compounds have not been validated for inactivation of the virus causing COVID-19).
    *Bleach may be used to disinfect surfaces, but the concentration is higher for COVID-19 than for everyday sanitation: 5 tablespoons bleach per gallon of water.

Authors of the guidance conclude with the fact that COVID-19 is not a foodborne illness.

Click here to view and print the COVID-19 FAQ For U-Pick Farms flyer.