Feed A Bee Campaign Aims To Plant 50 Million Flowers

Bayer CropScience has launched a program with a goal to plant 50 million flowers across the U.S.


The consumer-oriented program will send people a free packet of 200 seeds of pollinator wildflower mix. Or, participants can elect to have the company to plant flowers on their behalf. People can join the effort by visiting FeedABee.com. Visitors to the site can learn more about honey bees and other pollinators as well as see a tally of flowers planted toward the 50 million goal.

In addition to the consumer campaign, the company will collaborate with at least 50 government, nonprofit organizations, and business to plant thousands of flowers to grow between regular crop production periods for bees. Some of those groups include McCarty Family Farms, Conservation Technology Information Center, Seeds For Bees, California and Washington Cover Crops, and the National Wild Turkey Federation.

“Reduced bee habitat has decreased food options for bees at a time when agriculture and apiculture must work together to feed more people than ever,” said Jim Blome, president and CEO of Bayer CropScience North America. “The Feed a Bee initiative provides opportunities for everyone to be a part of creating more forage for these amazing creatures.”

During a teleconference to announce the program, the company also discussed research being conducted at its North American Bayer Bee Care Center Raleigh, NC. Key projects include developing materials to combat varroa mite, bee repellants to be added to compounds that might harm them, and smart hives to remotely monitor bee health from inside the hive.

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Avatar for Kathy Oliver Kathy Oliver says:

This sounds like a good program. Could I get 100 packets to distribute to our Master Gardener volunteers in Manatee County, Florida?

Avatar for Valerie Valerie says:

I have a 1/4 acre of my farm that was dedicated to my 3 bee “cribs” that were stolen. I loved my bees. I was heartbroken when the “cribs” were stolen.
Yesterday I had a bee show up. Today I had two bees follow me around, and, 1 landed on my arm. My bees used to do that. I think and hope they were some that were bee-napped, and, trying to find their home. I was angry and heartbroken and tilled my flowerbeds when I saw “cribs” gone. The last two days inspired me to try again.
I need a lot of seed to get my flowers re-established, before I put out my new “cribs” and get new bees.
May I also request seeds for my Sustainable Neighbors group? They are on meetup and FB. We have several active community gardens in Fayetteville, NC.
I am in process of starting a Sampson Subtainables group here. I am in charge of two community gardens in the Clinton, NC area. I’ll be glad to send pictures as things progress, if you’ll send me lots of seeds!
If you give me a lot of seed and posters/advertisement, I can hand out seeds and brochures at the festivals and farmers market I co-op with. I can put advertisements in community gardens, too. Free advertisement for you! Hopefully a lot of seeds for me.

Thank-you for seeds!


Hi Valerie,
I invite you to view my website (jacksonfarm.com) where we plant annual flowers and herbs for bees and butterflies. Call me at 910 385- 5984 to see how we can join forces in Sampson county to increase these wonderful creatures!

Avatar for Frank Frank says:

For those interested in ordering multiple seed packets, visit:


Avatar for dawn barnard dawn barnard says:

Just received my packets of wildflowers. Excited to see them grow!

Avatar for Doug Doug says:

I have noticed a large drop in bees of all types on our blueberry farm in north central Ma. over several years.. Everything I have read about increasing the population has been on wild flowers (grown in fields).. My open land is for blueberries and cattle, but I have other poor quality land and round side areas that I have planted trees and bushes that attract bees before and after blueberry blossom times. The thing I would like to see is that we use any land and any plant that will help out the bees. Lets not look at just fields.
