Leadership And Management Expert To Speak At California Agriculture Seminar

Daniel Goleman, one of the nation’s foremost leadership and management experts, is the featured speaker at a Life-Long Leadership Learning (L4) Seminar co-hosted by the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation (CALF) and California State University-Fresno. The seminar is sponsored by Driscoll’s.

Goleman is a psychologist and author of 13 books, including New York Times and international bestseller “Emotional Intelligence.” His latest book is “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence.” Goleman received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, was a science journalist at the New York Times for 12 years, and was nominated twice for a Pulitzer Prize. Prominent publications have included him in top 10 lists of influential business thinkers.

“Dr. Goleman is an internationally-known authority on emotional intelligence and leadership, and we are proud to partner with Fresno State to bring such a high-caliber speaker to our alumni and agricultural industry friends,” said CALF President and CEO Bob Gray.

The L4 Seminar will be held Sept. 15 from 2-4 p.m. at the Satellite Student Union at Fresno State. A reception, book signing, and synthesis will follow the presentation. The free seminar is open to alumni, agricultural industry friends, prospective candidates, faculty, staff, and students. Attendees must RSVP by Sept. 10 to 831-585-1030 or elazzerini@agleaders.org or online at www.fresnostate.edu/presidentrsvp (code: Goleman).

Source: California Agricultural Leadership Foundation