Packed Agenda On Tap For Southeast Strawberry Expo

North Carolina Strawberry Association’s Southeast Strawberry Expo will also host the annual meeting of the North American Strawberry Growers Association (NASGA) Dec. 3-6 at Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, NC. This year’s expo will feature an expanded program of educational sessions, a larger trade show, and the expertise and experience of growers and researchers from across the continent.

The program opens Dec. 3, with three intensive afternoon workshops: Getting Started in Strawberry Plasticulture, Food Safety Practices and Communication for Direct Market & PYO, and a training in Conducting Respirator Fit Tests. An all-day tour will be on Dec. 4. The tour will visit three distinct strawberry farms: a small farm in a rapidly urbanizing area; North Carolina’s leading organic strawberry producer; and a larger farm with both wholesale and direct markets. The tour also explores companion fruit crops with visits to blackberry and blueberry nurseries and ends with a classic North Carolina BBQ dinner.

A trade show and a full program of educational sessions will be offered on Dec. 5-6. Featured general session speakers include Ryan Boyles of the NC Climate Office, who will address “Weather and climate: a look into the future for strawberry growers”, and Richard Harnden of Berry Gardens, the leading U.K. berry production and marketing group, who will bring perspectives on research and production trends. Grower spotlights feature Russ Shlagel of Shlagel Farms in Waldorf, MD, and Blaine Staples of the Jungle Farm, Innisfall, Alberta, Canada.

Also on Dec. 5-6, as many as four breakout tracks provide many choices. Production topics include Weed, Pest and Disease Control sessions, Update & Prognosis on Strawberry Viruses, Soil Biology 101 for Strawberry Growers, Day Neutral Production, Growing Degree Days & Row Cover Management, Choosing Varieties, and Biopesticides: What are they and do they work? Business and marketing topics include Working with Schools, How to Hold a Recipe Contest, PYO Management, Farm Succession Planning, and Facebook for Beginners. Three sessions focus on various aspects of health and wellness on the farm. Growers will be able to get pesticide credits, and can schedule appointments for respirator fit testing during the conference.

For more information, registration forms, and online registration, visit or