Prevention Is Cornerstone Of Food Safety Modernization Act

FDA has recently published a new presentation on food safety, “Food Safety Modernization Act: Focus on Prevention.” In the new presentation, FDA focuses on prevention because foodborne illness impacts one in six Americans each year. In addition, the report says about 15% of our food supply is imported and there are more and more food products in the marketplace than ever before.

The presentation hones in on prevention standards mandates and cites examples of compliance with prevention standards. Some examples of compliance include sanitation, training for supervisors and employees, environmental controls and monitoring, food allergen controls, recall contingency plan, Good Manufacturing Practices, and supplier verification activities. The general approach to preventive controls include identifying the hazard, understand the cause, implement preventive controls, monitor effectiveness of those controls, and review and adjust accordingly.

To view FDA’s complete presentation, click here and scroll down to the What’s New section.