Rare Leafhopper Found In Shipment At Delaware Port

Scaris sp. leafhopper

For the second time in 10 years, Scaris sp. (Cicadellidae), species of leafhopper was discovered in a shipment of Guatemalan bananas at the port of Wilmington, DE, on March 16.

This pest was previously found in a shipment at the port of Miami in 2005.

Following the discovery of the pest, a local USDA entomologist identified the specimen, Scaris sp. (Cicadellidae) and was verified by a USDA pest interception database. This leafhopper naturally occurs in Central and South America.

“Protecting America’s agriculture against destructive insect pests is of paramount concern to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB), and being recognized for a first-in-port pest interception is rewarding,” said Susan Stranieri, CBP port director for the Area Port of Philadelphia. “CBP agriculture specialists are very serious about their mission, and quietly carry out their important work every day.”

For more on this find, click here.

Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection