Thanks to Steve Jobs, There Is An App for You

The passing of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, will surely have an effect on the technological world, but what effect will it have on the agricultural world?

Jobs was quoted as having said he wants to, “put a ding in the universe” and today, he can rest in peace knowing he did just that. With his contributions resonating far beyond personal computers and MP3 players, Jobs’ reach has had many calling him the Edison of our time. Just as the light bulb didn’t stay hanging on the wall of the inventors’ hall of fame, or reserved for the elite that could afford such a luxury, Jobs’ contributions facilitated and enriched the daily lives of the masses, including growers across the nation.

With applications contributed by people all over the world for Apple products such as iPhones and iPads, growers can access tools allowing them to do anything from plot land with the tap of the finger to receive notification of changes in the agriculture stocks that interest them.

In memory of Jobs, a technological visionary, here is a list of just a few of the applications that could change the lives of growers at any level.

Spray Calc
Cost: $1.99
Spray Calc allows growers to calculate the dosage for sprayers within seconds. Once the tank size, components and dosages are entered, growers can calculate the necessary amounts by simply sliding a bar.

USDA News Reader
Cost: 99¢
This application, developed by the USDA, delivers the top stories from USDA directly to the user’s handheld device.

Cost: 99¢
An Agriplot user can walk around fields and add a landmark point with just the tap of a finger. The application will automatically calculate the area enclosed by the points and provide the distances between them. In addition to those things, users can also identify special features of the land and take pictures of areas of interest for visual representations such as hills or ponds.

Cost: FREE
PMAFS2011, developed by the Produce Marketing Association, allows users to put all the details of the upcoming conference in their hands. In addition to timing information, speakers, and alerts of any changes to the schedule, users can upload their trade show information, add comments, and get connected to any participating organization’s social networking group.

Harvest to Hand
Cost: FREE
Harvest to hand allows users to find locally harvested food, seasonal agritourism venues, food festivals, farmers markets, and more.
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