Trends We’re Seeing in the State of the Vegetable Industry

avg-soi-2020-headerThe State of the Vegetable Industry survey is well underway, and we’re already seeing some trends shape up.


Below are two very preliminary trends we’ve spotted. These will likely change significantly before the survey finishes.

If you haven’t yet participated in the survey, please do so now! Your and your peers’ responses help the industry better understand which issues need more attention, from researchers deciding which studies to conduct on your behalf, to our editorial team selecting the topics to investigate.

Hemp Moves into the Industry

For the first time in the survey’s history, we’re asking you about growing hemp. At this early stage, we’re hearing 20% of you are interested in growing it, while only a bit more than 3% are actually growing it. There

Pest Pressures Better Defined

We broke out the questions about which pests have been a particular problem this past year into three categories: disease, insect, and weeds. Each caused major issues for about a quarter of respondents so far.

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Three pests are currently surging: Cucumber bugs, late blight, and nutsedge. None of these broke into the top half of pest issues in the 2019 State of the Vegetable Industry report.

Our team will be watching those figures as the survey continues. It will be interesting to see see where all these trends end up once we complete the survey!