USDA Research IDs Factors Contributing To Honeybee Queen Failure

Temperature extremes during shipping and elevated pathogen levels may be contributing to honeybee queens failing faster today than in the past, according to a study just published by USDA scientists in the scientific journal PLOS One.


‘Either stress individually or in combination could be part of the reason beekeepers have reported having to replace queens about every six months in recent years when queens have generally lasted one to two years,” explained entomologist Jeff Pettis with the Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, MD, who led the study. The Bee Research Laboratory is part of USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.

Queens only mate in the first few weeks of life. Then they use the stored semen to fertilize eggs laid throughout their life. Queen failure occurs when the queen dies or when the queen does not produce enough viable eggs to maintain the adult worker population in the colony. Replacing queens cost about $15 each, a significant cost per colony for beekeepers.

Commercial beekeepers usually order their replacement queens already mated, and the queens are shipped to apiaries from March through October. Researchers questioned whether temperature extremes during shipping could damage the sperm a queen has stored in her body. During simulated shipping in the lab, inseminated queens exposed to 104°F (40°C) for one to two hours or to 41°F (5°C) for one to four hours had sperm viability drop to 20% from about 90%.

In real-world testing, queens, along with thermometers that recorded the temperature every 10 minutes, were shipped from California, Georgia, and Hawaii to the Beltsville lab by either U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail or United Parcel Service Next Day Delivery in July and September. Researchers found that as many as 20% of the shipments experienced temperature spikes that approached extremes of 105.8°F and 46.4°F for more than two hours at a time. Those exposed to extreme high or low temperatures during shipping had sperm viability reduced by 50%.

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“The good news is with fairly simple improvements in packaging and shipping conditions, we could have a significant impact on improving queens and, in turn, improving colony survival,” Pettis says.

Assessments of the queens sent in by beekeepers for this study found that almost all of them had a high incidence of deformed wing virus; Nosema ceranae was the next most commonly found pathogen.

Beekeepers had also been asked to rate the performance of each colony from which a queen came as either in good or poor health. A clear link was found between colonies rated as better performing and queens with higher-sperm viability. Poorer performing colonies strongly correlated to queens with lower-sperm viability.

“We saw wide variation in both pathogen levels and sperm viability in the queens that were sent in to us, and sometimes between queens from the same apiary in July and September, so there is still more research to do. But getting queens back to lasting two years may well be one of the links in getting our beekeeping industry back to a sustainable level,” Pettis says.

Source: Kim Kaplan, USDA-ARS



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Avatar for crush davis crush davis says:

So science shows another factor NOT related to pesticides, weakening honey bee colony viability. Yet yesterday in a webinar I attended, a bee activist made pesticides sound like public enemy No. 1, while the “bee health” spokesman from one of the evil “Big Six” ACCURATELY delineated a variety of things contributing to honey bee stress. It sure would be nice if the activists would stop prevaricating on the issue of pesticides and colony decline. Synthetic chemicals aren’t the only factor, and growers’ use of them should not be implicated exclusively with bee problems. Hopefully responsible agribusiness professionals can wage a quiet campaign to undo damage by demagogues who deliberately misinform the public.

Avatar for James Doan James Doan says:

Dr. Pettis sent two technicians to my place several years ago. They pulled thirty five queens from my operation. All had little or no sperm that was viable however they had been virgins that we had mates in Florida and shipped to New York in a semi load. They never were on a plane or cold.
I don’t know how long you have owned bees but I have kept bees 48 years and have had thousand of queens shipped to me in New York. Until Neonics I never replaced queens at the rate of two to three a year. Now I would agree there are more factors Now but when I started having problems Neonics were the only problem. Only in the last few years have we added all these other problems.
You have to look at this problem like AIDS. No one dies of AIDS they die because they have AIDS. The bee hive has that problem. They get exposed to pesticides and then all of these other things happen. Don’t get caught up in “it’s a multitude of stresses”. It’s one and then the others kill the hive.
As for Dr Pettis and not mentioning pesticides as a cause, well he can not. There is a gag order on all researchers at the USDA on speaking negatively of pesticides. You should know that, look up Dr.Lundgren and the investigation into his stand against this muzzling.

Avatar for Amateur Beekeeper Amateur Beekeeper says:

Hear, hear!

Avatar for Ben Williams Ben Williams says:

Another reason to buy your queens locally,

Avatar for tom wagner tom wagner says:

Queens cost $28 each this year, you would have to buy many queens just to get 1-2 dollars off, the demand for queen bee’s is very high, and you are put on a waiting list. There is a shortage of honey bees also, and prices are are around $100 for a 2 lb. package and S135 for a 3 lb package. It is hard to get the bee’s to produce enough honey to cover the cost of the investment, and that does not cover all of the other expenses involved with beekeeping in general. Hobbiy beekeepers have it even harder as their bee’s arrive later in the season, by the time their bee’s arrive and build up a strong field force of workers gathering nectar and doing pollination, several major nectar flows have been totally missed…..the end result is no surplus honey, and often times the necessity of having to feed the bee’s so they sufficient food to overwinter on.

Avatar for Glen Glen says:

What about the chem spraying that goes on above us
