Ag Leaders Take on Big Role to Re-Open Florida

Re-opening businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic is a tall order across the board. But pressure is building to come up with a plan sooner than later. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his newly formed Re-Open Florida Task Force Executive Committee have been busy building teams to get the economic wheels rolling toward recovery. The state’s agriculture sector is well represented in one of the subgroups.


The working group that includes representatives from agriculture, finance, government, healthcare, management, and professional services is just one of several created to make recommendations on how best to keep Floridians safe and support the state’s economy during the current COVID-19 crisis.

Florida Department of Citrus Executive Director Shannon Shepp is among several industry leaders representing agriculture.

“We are honored the Governor recognized the abilities of Shannon Shepp and her commitment to serving Florida citrus growers in any and every capacity through this invitation to contribute to a task of such high importance,” says Ned Hancock, Chairman of the Florida Citrus Commission, which oversees the Florida Department of Citrus. “As the state’s signature agricultural crop, the Florida citrus industry plays a vital role in not only supplying food but in supporting the small towns and businesses that make up the heart of our state. We are committed to helping Florida recover in a safe and responsible manner.”

Other ag industry members of the group — also featuring elected state representatives, sheriffs, CEOs, health professionals — include:

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Click here to see the Re-Open Florida Task Force Group in its entirety.