Behind the Scenes With Star of ‘Mike’s Weather Page’

Weather can be tricky to predict, especially in Florida. The inexact science behind it can be quite fascinating, too. And you don’t have to be a trained meteorologist to catch the weather bug. Such is the case for Mike Boylan, the creative force behind and “Mike’s Weather Page,” a wildly popular Facebook destination for weather geeks worldwide.


Boylan, who is based in the Tampa area, has been learning about and tracking storms – hurricanes in particular – since 2004 and has steadily gained a massive social media following while posting and sharing his own take on “spaghetti models” —  the nickname given to the computer models that show potential paths of tropical cyclones. These individual model tracks can resemble strands of the pasta noodles when running together.

In addition to feeding his website constantly, Boylan shares up-to-date, informative, and entertaining content through his multiple social media outlets. His Facebook page alone has nearly 900,000 followers and counting.

Recently, Boylan connected virtually with Florida Grower/Cotton Grower Editor Frank Giles and Cotton Grower Senior Editor Jim Steadman for a Podcast presentation that covered many topics including what’s brewing in the tropics now, which spaghetti models to watch, how growers can access and use platforms like his to protect crops, drunk donkeys, and more.

Cotton Companion Podcast graphic with Mike Boylan

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Click on the graphic above to listen to the Podcast featuring Boylan on “The Cotton Companion.”