New Biological Crop Protection Products for 2021

New biological crop protection products aren’t slowing down any time soon. We asked suppliers which products they’re introducing so we can share the list with you.

Here’s what we learned.

Ag Biotech, Inc. 

Bio Shot has two active agents that increase carbohydrate and amino acid production. This biostimulant has a concentrated application rate of 1.35 ounces/acre for row crops and 2 ounces/acre for fruit and vegetable crops.

Bio Seed is a biofertilizer designed to supply NPK from atmospheric and mineral sources already present, but in unavailable forms, in the soil. Used as a seed treatment or as a drench when mixed with liquid fertilizers, Bio Seed is applied once at the beginning of the season. It has a two-year shelf life.

Andermatt USA

Helicovex. In September 2020, EPA granted a supplemental label to use against corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) also known as tomato fruitworm or cotton bollworm. Andermatt expects a pending supplemental label for hemp will make it available by next season in hemp-producing states.

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Loopex, a baculovirus specific to cabbage and alfalfa looper, was EPA registered and is entering the state registration process. It is labeled for several vegetable crops and other specialty crops.

AmyBac P45, a registered biostimulant in most states (with a few expected approvals in 2021), contains Bacillus velezensis FZB45 spores. After application, the spores colonize young growing roots. It can be used on all crops, including specialty crops.


Starskii. Bioline produces Amblyseius swirskii with CART technology designed for climate-adapted release technology, controls whitefly and thrips and can be applied in multiple crops and crop conditions.

Tricholine p. This patented release multi-wave technology of capsules and dispensers controls lepidoptera.

Certis USA

OSO 5% SC Fungicide received an OMRI listing, expanding its active ingredient (polyoxin D zinc salt) to organic control of Botrytis, powdery mildew, and Alternaria leaf blight.

Homeplate, a non-selective, OMRI-listed herbicide received approval in California. This fast-acting, wide-ranging herbicide can be used as a burn-down, desiccant, or for sucker.

Hemp approval. Certis received EPA approval for several of its OMRI-approved products for use on hemp: Carb-O-Nator, Double Nickel, LifeGard WG, Sil-MATRIX LC, Double Nickel, Bt Crymax, BoteGHA ES, Gemstar LC, and PFR-97.

Creative AG Products Inc.

Pacific Gro Sea Phos 1.7 – 7 – 0. This organic-listed input is high in phosphorous, nitrogen in amino acid form, and plant-available calcium. It provides nutrition to plants and soil microbes benefiting all crops.

Kemin Crop Technologies

Thymox Control. Kemin Crop Technologies worked with Laboratoire M2 to distribute this botanical oil-based, broad-spectrum, contact fungicide-bactericide, which contains thyme oil as the active ingredient (27%). It uses nanoemulsion technology to deliver billions of nano-size droplets for superior contact and higher killing effect. It controls bacterial diseases such as grey mold, powdery mildew, or fire blight on fruit and vegetable crops, ornamentals, and for both indoor and outdoor growing sites. It’s listed on the FIFRA 25(b) minimal risk pesticide. It is zero-day PI, zero-hour REI (re-entry interval) and MRL (maximum residue level) exempt. The product has an OMRI-listed version.


Magna-Bon CS 2005 is still making headway as an advanced copper sulphate pentahydrate in-solution formula. Our research against conventional coppers proves CS 2005 is one of the best solutions for combating disease on the market.

Marrone Bio

REYZOX, a new biofungicide, combines the power of a biological with the performance of chemistry, a term Marrone Bio coined, BioUnite. It will launch in specialty crops in Florida in late 2021 and then roll out in California in 2022. Created from a collaboration with Vive Crop Protection, it has two actives, Reynoutria extract (the active ingredient in Regalia) and azoxystrobin.

Stargus provides broad spectrum disease control with the active ingredient Bacillus nakamurai strain F727 (previously B. amyloliquefaciens strain F727), for leafy greens, cannabis, and hemp in California. Pome fruit was added in mid-2020 and a full label is expected in early 2021 with the addition of Botrytis, strawberries, and grapes.

Hemp approval. Regalia now has EPA approval for hemp.


Argil. Argil combines soil humus chemistry with agriculturally beneficial clay. Humus naturally forms complexes with clay in soil, which deliver excellent water and nutrient retention and storage, and improved soil structure. By adding co-granulated humus and clay together to very sandy soils with no natural clay reservoir, Argil helps to catalyze the formation of these complexes.


Puffer, a new aerosol mating disruption, is now available in California. It reduces navel orangeworm, codling moth, and oriental fruit moth damage. It’s pending a global patent for its innovations, including a chamber that seals the gears and electronics from dust and debris, ensuring the emitter works all season long, even in challenging agricultural environments.


RANGO has DPR (Department of Pesticide Regulation) registration for California and an EPA and CA-DPR approval for a label revision that includes expanded rates/volumes for permanent tree crops. This broad spectrum controls major insects and diseases from start to harvest. It’s registered for a wide variety of crops including most specialty crops.


SPEAR-LEP and SPEAR-T use the same active ingredient, which impacts a specific neuromuscular target site in a way that is distinct from all other insecticides. SPEAR-LEP targets lepidopteran pests in high-value field crops (tree fruit, nuts, vines, and vegetables) through ingestion. In combination with a gut disruptor, like Bt, this large molecule passes into the insect body cavity and gains access to the central nervous system. SPEAR-T targets small, softer-bodied pests (aphids, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies) through contact activity. It gains access by diffusion through the spiracles.


Gargoil Insect, Mite & Disease Control controls for soft-bodied insects, immature forms of other insects (caterpillars, nymphs, etc.), mites, and diseases (primarily powdery mildew). Used on most crops, especially berries, tree fruit, vegetables, tree nuts, citrus, etc.