What Are the Top Greenhouse Vegetable Growing Operations in the U.S.?

The controlled-environment segment in the fresh produce industry is growing rapidly, with new greenhouse growers entering the industry and long-standing growers expanding their operations.


Greenhouse Grower’s inaugural list of the top greenhouse operations growing produce for the fresh market stands at 14 operations growing in the U.S. The total U.S. square footage for greenhouse operations one to 14 equals 41,568,620 square feet.

Rankings are based on known square footage of sites with operating greenhouses in the U.S.

The Top 5 include:

  1. Mastronardi Produce: 238 acres (10,367,280 sq. ft.)
  2. Windset Farms: 168 acres (7,318,000 sq. ft.)
  3. Houweling’s Tomatoes: 155 acres (6,751,800 sq. ft.)
  4. Village Farms: 138 acres (6,000,000 sq. ft.)
  5. Intergrow: 129 acres (5,623,800 sq. ft.)

Please note that identifying and ranking the largest greenhouse fresh-market vegetable growers in North America proved a difficult task for a multitude of reasons. Many projects and expansions occur under the radar, and the speed at which growers are scaling up and expanding is difficult to stay apprised of.

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For the complete ranking, continue reading at GreenhouseGrower.com.