Michigan Blueberry Producers Approve Continuation Referendum


Michigan’s blueberry producers approved a referendum to continue the Michigan Blueberry Research and Education Program, Gary McDowell, Director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, announced Tuesday.

Established in February 2017, the Michigan Blueberry Research and Education Program was developed for the purpose of improving the economic position and competitiveness of the state’s blueberry industry. The goal is to keep Michigan’s blueberry industry on the cutting edge of new technology as well as implement new research keeping those farmers economically viable in the world market. The program emphasizes advancements in blueberry research, information delivery, and Michigan industry-wide collaboration.

By law, the program must be renewed every five years. It will continue for an additional five years beginning May 1. The current assessment for the fiscal period shall be fixed upon producers at a maximum rate of 3/10 of a cent per pound of blueberries sold.

Sixty-seven qualified ballots were cast in the referendum. Of those, 59 producers voted yes (88%), representing 46.1 million pounds (89%), and eight producers voted no (12%), representing 5.6 million pounds (11%).

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For renewal of the program and its activities, more than 50% of the voting producers, representing more than 50% of the pounds sold by those voting, must approve it.