Why Happiness and the Apple Grower of the Year Award Make a Great Pair

Give me 15 to 20 minutes, and I’ll make you happy. Or, more accurately, you’re going to make yourself happy, but I’m going to tell you precisely how to do it. Sound too good to be true? It’s not, and the instructions boil down to just nine words: Nominate someone today for the American Fruit GrowerSM Apple Grower of the Year Award.


You may think I’m joking, and perhaps I am in some (very) small way, but I’m not kidding. Because the act of nominating someone you know and respect is an act of gratitude, a way of saying you’re grateful for this person and want to thank them for making the world a better place. Sure, we want more information on the nomination, such as a few details on the grower’s operation, etc. But the key to it is gratitude, because you’re only going to be motivated to make the nomination if you’re grateful for the grower.

I was reading a story recently that included the following from Harvard Medical School. “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”

What’s the recommended — think fastest and easiest — way to express gratitude? One psychologist recommends writing a thank-you letter. And what is an award nomination if not, at heart, a thank-you note. The only difference is that instead of sending the note to the one you’re thanking; you’re going to send it to us. The qualifications are simple for the Apple Grower of the Year Award.

The award, which is sponsored by Valent in cooperation with the U.S. Apple Association, recognizes U.S. apple growers who have reached outstanding levels of success through their efforts in innovative production, marketing, horticultural, and management practices. Winners demonstrate commitment and leadership to their field by producing high-quality fruit, being actively involved in associations, and taking a strong role in shaping the direction of the apple industry.

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The deadline for nominations is April 21, which means you should consider nominating someone today. If you do, I’d be grateful.

Click here to nominate someone for the Apple Grower of the Year Award!