New Insecticide Receives EPA Approval

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DoubleTake, a broad-spectrum insecticide from Chemtura AgroSolutions, has received registration from EPA.
This product features superior knockdown and lasting residual control of insect pests in peppers, soybean, peanut, and cotton. It offers long-lasting residual protection and controls all stages of insect life — from eggs to adults.

“DoubleTake will be a powerful protective force for growers,” says Don Guy, Chemtura AgroSolutions marketing manager, Ag Chemicals Division. “It uses multiple modes of action, and works through both neurotoxic and insect growth regulator effects.”

DoubleTake targets stink bugs (including brown marmorated stink bugs), kudzu bugs, worms, bean leaf beetles, grasshoppers, and pepper weevils. It also offers suppression of aphids, lygus, two-spotted spider mites, and whiteflies.

For more information on DoubleTake, visit

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