EPA Approves New 1-MCP Technology

EPA approved Fysium, a new 1-MCP product from Pace International LLC. Considered new technology, this product is produced on-site by a patented generator outside the storage room, allowing operators to calculate the proper treatment for each individual apple variety.


“This is great news for apple packers in the United States looking for a technology that is not only effective and clean, but also highly flexible in the way it delivers the gas into the storage room. Fysium allows the applicator to track the progress of the application from the outside of the room and remove the machine once the job is done,” said Roberto Carpentier, executive vice president of Pace International.

Fysium was introduced last growing season under a Federal Experimental Use Permit and was developed by Janssen PMP, who also brought Fungaflor and Penbotec postharvest products to the market.

Fysium is registered for use in Washington, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, New York, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Massachusetts.

Source: Pace International LLC news release

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