Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference Education Sessions Go Online

With the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference being cancelled this summer due to the coronavirus, the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and Florida Citrus Mutual have joined forces to put on a virtual educational session July 22 from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

The agenda includes: Background on the CRDF; IPM approaches to psyllid control; Florida Department of Citrus market outlook; updates on rootstocks; a grower panel; and an overview of the citrus research and field trials program.

“This is a great opportunity for growers to learn about the latest research news,” says Mike Sparks, CEO and Executive Vice President of Florida Citrus Mutual. “We had to scramble once the conference was cancelled but the CRDF has put a very good agenda together.”

The meeting will be hosted via Zoom. Meeting ID: 899 3679 7582

NOTE:  (CEUs are available: 1.0 CEU in Pest Management and 1.0 CEU in Crop Management. CCAs have been applied for. )