How Biostimulant Products Can Help Ag Reach Its Climate Goals

Biostimulants are becoming an increasingly valuable tool for growers looking to make their crops more resilient to climate shifts and abiotic stressors. These products, made up of naturally occurring components, help plants endure stress from drought, temperature, and soil conditions. Stressed plants require more inputs to reach a desirable yield, which in turn increases the pressure on the environment through increased nitrogen use and greenhouse-gas-producing manufacturing and shipping methods.


Conversely, stressed plants are less likely to be able to endure late frosts, intense storms, or droughts that growers now deal with on a more regular basis.

To address this growing topic of importance, I recently conducted an interview with Dr. Patrick Brown, Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Davis and Chairman of the International Congress for Biostimulants. He spoke about some promising developments in biostimulants as well as an existing regulatory challenge that needs to be overcome.

Brown notes that biostimulants can help reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can have negative impacts on the environment and human health. He also highlights the potential for biostimulants to improve soil health and increase carbon sequestration.


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However, Brown also points out that the regulatory landscape for biostimulants is currently unclear, with different countries and regions having different definitions and regulations for these products. This can create confusion for growers and limit the availability of biostimulants in certain markets. Brown calls for a more harmonized approach to biostimulant regulation, which would help ensure the safety and efficacy of these products while also promoting innovation and growth in the industry.

Global Insight Series report cover on Climate Smart Farming

For more, read the Q&A featured as part of our Global Insight Series report on Climiate Smart Farming. In addition, see the previous reports in Meister’s Global Insight Series covering a range of topics from Biological Crop Protection to Irrigation Innovations to Agricultural Technology.