Isagro USA Announces Registration Of New Soil Biofumigant

Isagro USA has received approval from the U.S. EPA for Dominus, a biopesticide and pre-plant soil treatment. Dominus is a broad-spectrum product that controls soil-borne fungi, nematodes, weeds, and insects. Dominus is registered as a biopesticide, a pesticide based on natural materials, and is the first biofumigant created for use on both conventional and organic farms. Domoinus has been submitted to USDA for addition to the National Organic Program’s (NOP) list of approved substances for organic crop production. The company expects NOP approval by 2015.

Dominus is based on Isagro’s patented technology and contains the active ingredient allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), a compound created as a natural defense by plants (from glucosinolate and myrosinase interaction) and known commonly as oil of mustard. AITC was first registered by EPA in 1962 and has been in continuous use in a variety of products including pesticides for more than 50 years. Oil of mustard is also a flavoring agent and is approved by FDA and listed as Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS).

“Dominus is effective and versatile and will be a welcome addition to the growers’ crop protection tools,” said Alessandro Mariani, Isagro USA President. “We are very proud to deliver Dominus as the first product fully developed by our U.S. team, capable of addressing many of the challenges facing growers today.”

Because Dominus is a biopesticide based on natural plant defenses, it is considered to be inherently less toxic and therefore allows for greater ease of use than conventional fumigants. Dominus is applied using conventional equipment and can be applied with tractor mounted shank injection or diluted in drip injection equipment.

“Dominus gives greater control back into the hands of the grower,” said Mike Allan, Global Product Manager for Dominus. “Dominus is a 96% active ingredient formulation delivering consistent control of many pests, including weed seeds, nematodes, and soil-borne diseases, while improving crop yield and quality.”

Since 2009 Dominus has undergone rigorous testing in conjunction with university researchers primarily in California, North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia; USDA–ARS and private contractors in the U.S., Italy, and Spain.
“Dominus is an environmentally favorable compound with a short half-life in the soil of 20 to 60 hours; leaves no residue in the soil prior to planting; and degrades rapidly if exposed to sunlight,” Allan said.

Isagro USA intends to submit Dominus for approval in all states. Dominus will be available for use as individual states approve the product.

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