Q&A With Penn State’s New Young Grower Alliance Coordinator

Erin Dugan

Erin Dugan (Photo credit: Daniel Lanton, DarkerShadesofBrown Photography)

Erin Dugan recently joined Penn State University extension as a specialty crop innovations program manager and Young Grower Alliance coordinator. GrowingProduce.com talks with her about the future of the specialty crop industry and her involvement with the Young Grower Alliance (YGA).

Q: What interests you about horticulture and why?
A: I have become more interested in knowing what is going into my body over the last few years. I want to know who grew my food and how they grew it. So, in turn, I want to help connect people to the food they eat and to the farmers who work so hard to grow it. I also have enjoyed trying to grow my own vegetables in the past and I am always trying to learn new things from the grower’s perspective.


Q: Are you familiar with the industry?
A: Yes, a little. I have been involved in the local food system in Pennsylvania for a few years. Most recently, I managed a locally sourced farm stand at the Broad Street Market for a while. A large part of my job there was to build relationships with area farmers in order to bring good, local fruits and vegetables into the city of Harrisburg. While building those relationships I got to know so many amazing growers and a little about their business as well.

Q: What is your background? How familiar are you with Pennsylvania?

A: I grew up in Pennsylvania. With the exception of a few years spent in Ohio, Maryland and North Carolina, I have spent most of my life here in central Pennsylvania. I spent my youth getting to know the state parks and hiking trails in Pennsylvania. Now I would like to get to know our rich farmlands and help ensure they stick around for my children to see.

Q: What drew you to get involved with YGA?
A: My continued desire to see the local food economy thrive! I believe that our farms are our future and I want to help them be as successful as they can be. I saw the YGA as a great opportunity to do that.

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Q: Have you set any short-term goals as of yet? Any long-term goals?
A: Some short term goals I have set for myself are to help streamline and increase communication within the alliance, learn where the existing members wish to see the alliance go in the future, and find ways to attract even more young growers from all specialties to the YGA.

Q: What can you bring to the table to help ensure YGA’s continued success?
A: I bring with me a strong desire to grow the YGA to include members from diverse backgrounds of crop production, the passion to connect people to their food, and a strong sense of duty to play my part in ensuring the sustainability and continued success of Pennsylvania farms.